Thanks so much for uploading this file. Unfortunately though I couldn't open. Version 2.6.0 is not supported by Robotic Virtual Toolkit anymore. Any updated file? Appreciate it.
Thanks soooo much cyle! It does open now. However, I have some issues with it. The colors sometimes get all mixed up on my screen. It keeps flashing too. I am working on a Mac. But it sounds it is working any way. Again, thank you a million. - over 8 years ago
Empty table with 2016 Challenge map. Animal Allies - over 8 years ago
Thanks so much for uploading this file. Unfortunately though I couldn't open. Version 2.6.0 is not supported by Robotic Virtual Toolkit anymore. Any updated file? Appreciate it. - about 8 years ago
@sana: what happens when you try to open it? - about 8 years ago
Nevermind, I see the issue now. I uploaded a mat for the 2015 release of the software to the downloads tab. That should fix your issue. - about 8 years ago
Thanks soooo much cyle! It does open now. However, I have some issues with it. The colors sometimes get all mixed up on my screen. It keeps flashing too. I am working on a Mac. But it sounds it is working any way. Again, thank you a million. - about 8 years ago
That's strange... do you only see that issue with this particular project? - over 7 years ago
Tim, I am new to both VRT and FLL. How do I get the VRT to open your table?