Joined : Oct 01, 2016
Published: Oct 01, 2016
Total Downloads: 78
Rating (1 total): 1 2 3 4 5
My ultimate Grabber Robot
I was not able to put caterpillar treads in the LDD program provided...
But they will perfectly fit in the base
The bot in the picture above is not completely same as this one
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I was not able to put caterpillar tracks/treads in the LDD program.....they will perfectly fit the rim and the gear. Thanks
Caterpillar treads are a bit tricky to virtualize. Good luck!
ya they the way thanks a lot
Very nice. This robot simulates well in the Virtual Robotics Toolkit. Have you used this in competition before?
@chris.s Yes I have used it in WRO 2014 Sochi, Russia - over 8 years ago
I was not able to put caterpillar tracks/treads in the LDD program.....they will perfectly fit the rim and the gear.
Thanks - over 8 years ago
Caterpillar treads are a bit tricky to virtualize. Good luck! - over 8 years ago
ya they the way thanks a lot - over 8 years ago
Very nice. This robot simulates well in the Virtual Robotics Toolkit. Have you used this in competition before? - over 8 years ago
Yes I have used it in WRO 2014 Sochi, Russia